Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Posted by: JOJO
Time: 13:08
Comments: 0
...i want you...
Hmm .. should i or should i not.. Well, i've always been much of a cam-whore person.. *ahaks.. But it's just too sad to say that i DONT, yes, i repeat, i DONT HAVE A CAMERA!!! Sad, isnt it.. therefore i'm compromising with my parents that i should have my own camera... WHY??

1) i like cam-whoring..
2) my friends like cam-whoring
3) me and my friends like cam-whoring
4) i get to take pictures of meaningful events in my life ; childbirth, death, my friend's vomit...
5) my cousins like cam-whoring..
6) i can snap sleepy heads of my friends..


Like duh-uh... why does a person want a camera in the first place?? a big DUUH!!! Refer to the main purpose of why humans invented a camera... so the ULTIMATE reason for me to have a camera is to..

........... SNAP PICTURES ............... du-uuh!!

Shame on those who does not know the capabilities of the human intervention and their purposes.. SHAME ON YOU!! And also, the other valid reasons i have given on top.. Seriously, for a college person not to have a camera, is literally insulting.. not to mention when it comes to photography club or some events...

"Eh, jojo... come come.. let's take picture... Owh wait.. you dont have a camera.... " *walks away.

INSULT!!!! Anyway, (*me being too overly dramatic again.. ) i have decided, as of now, that i am going to buy a camera.. (just the matter of day and time now... months even.. sigh)

Things to ponder about..

Of course, there are a few that caught my eyes already, only after fulfilling some of my conditions..

- They must be pretty...
- They must come in either white or pink..
- They must be brand-flashy.. and slim..
- They must be what i like and what my friends like, doesnt matter if my family likes it or not..
- They must be ORIGINAL!!! NOt some cheapsake, buy-from-China brand.. no offence though..

And here are some of my picks..

Contestant No 1 : The Canon Digital IXUS 80 IS

comes in chic color
8.0 mp, 3X optical zoom
2.5'' screen
.. and somemore of those Canon stuff...

Contestant No 2: CANON IXUS 970 IS

brand new
freakin 10 MP, 5X zoom
2.5 screen too!!
.. and some more of those Canon features..
Contestant No 3: SONY T Series - DSC-T2/W - SMILEY

i so love this one

comes in white and pink

SONY!! smiles..

8.1 MP, 3X zoom, 2.7'' screen

4GB internal memory!! OMG!!


Contestant No 4: SONY W Series - DSC-W130/S

8.1 MP, 4X zoom, 2.5'' screen

metallic silver color

another SONY!!

antishake, antiblur.. etc etc...

And there you have it, my top list of which camera i;m getting my hands on..though i would prefer to try these babies out first when i hit the stores anytime soon!! Weheee.... Any other suggestions that you think would suit my liking.. Bring em rollin in.. im open to any opinions.. Muahhaa cant' wait.. i'm very excited..

p/s: my exams are starting friday.. sigh sigh sigh....

Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.

"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum

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