Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Posted by: JOJO
Time: 08:41
Comments: 0
Hey there, before i say anything else, i need to complain.. yes it's about the IELTS test which i did on SAturday, 8th Nov...

It was a finee day, as we (Petronas scholars) raced the sun to get to idp Subang. Little did we know that the actual exam starts at 9 am.. So we waited for freakin 2 hours... **grrr My test was at Taylor's Business School because idp is full.

Written exam was first; Listening, reading, writing... Listening was okay. reading was okay, Writing was okay; Fashion is becoming more and more important in peoples' lives today. Why? Discuss the positive or negative development.... Not until after that day did i notice that i didnt answer the WHY part of the question. All i gave was positive develpoment of FASHION and a little criticism. Anyway, i think i did okay..

Then after that, we ( me, that, pchk) were lucky enough to meet Georgie!! - exclass mate from St 3! We had lunch at a mamak nearby - sorta.. cheap good food.. and then went all the wayy back to idp for our speaking test. Now, the golden moment...

It's the last test for the day, so what the heck.. It was Luqman's turn, then Letha, then me... moment of truth.. while letha was at it.. i can see the examiner.. old, cold.. withered little lady in her 50's.. no biggie, i thought.. When letha got out ( it felt like ages), MY TURN!! So i played it cool, knocked, came in and sat down... She called my name, and started to click her little device and recorded every single thing i said.. mann!!

She asked me a few questions about myself, so i answered.

"This is candidate no 00989dsjhfksh, Joanna. First, i would like to ask you a few questions about yourself. Can you tell me your full name and .... "
"My name is Joanna.... "

Section 2: Art, that was my topic, full of crappy stuff... Section 3: Teenagers.. Well it wasnt that hard, but you kno what the weird part is, she doesnt help you out, she doesnt give you comments or feedback. So she's like MACHINE... a DEAD SILENT MACHINE, dude.. that was like soo turning me off damnit.. When it ended, i was soo blurred out, because of all the crappiness and tension inside the room. I mean, talking to a wall is soo weird. then i went out and picked up my stuff and there just happen to be this Arabi dude.. who came next to me and said,

" Congratulations... you got a 6.5..."
"WTF... 6.5???.."

For the crappiest 10 minutes of my life, and all i got was a 6.5?? !*^&(!*&^&*#. Man. after that i went ballistic!! My head was wayy out from my body, my mouth was blabbering non stop about the crappiness.. and URGH!! The tension, the stupidity, the humuliation!!! 6.5 out of 9.0?? damnit man.. damnit damnit...... curses...

I went back that day, down and all.. But i gave it all a thought..
- i cant possibly get 6.5 imagine what the other people might get..
- it could be an 8.5, because 6 and 8 have curves...
- it might not be my score
- why am i trusting an Arabi??? -_-!!

URGH.. WHY???? But overall i think i did okay.. so.. what the heck, i better believe in myself more..

Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.

"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum

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