time flies, as usual, except during exams.. perhaps. As i see it, time goes too slowly during the hardest and painful times. We tend to age in our miseries. What about the sweet, loving memories? Indeed, time flies there.. Sometimes i do think that time live by our miseries. Perhaps it's a living sweet memories sucking machine.. if you know what i mean.. hehe.. my point is here that, i missed the old times.. when i was young.. foolish.. stupid.. dumb.. whatever my parents called it, (the dumb-age of yours.. )
now, it's the dreadful exam time.. the time when everyone had to do something, acheive something, prove something. What will it be for me? guess i'll live by the minute and not by the hour or the second! hopefully i do hope time turn down the level or something. Things are too fast in my life.. haha.. for now, goodnight, and sleep tight..
p/s; i forgot my id and password, that's why i didn't update.. haha