Monday, March 16, 2009
Posted by: JOJO
Time: 00:09
Comments: 0
WantsMisses & ThankYous
Before the holidays, i thought to myself...

- i want to study hard
- i want to pass my driving test
- i want to jog everyday
- i want to be Ms Organize
- i want to stay at home
- i want to be a nerd
- i want to learn something new
- i want to finish what i started

That was the inital plan... but then i thought again.. How selfish of me, what i planned was for myself only... what about stella? or shaun? or my family? ... I thought once more during my flight back to Kuching.. 

- i miss hanging out with Stel * Shaun
- i miss having supper with my family
- i miss coming home late from a mid night movie
- i miss disturbing my sister 
- i miss college people!!!
- i miss the Old Me 
- i miss Kuching!!!

Yes, and with that, i came out of the plane, and smiled.... i miss Kuching... i miss 'ME' here... but no worries, im here and im soo gona enjoy my holidays this time round.. make it worth while, make it productive, and make it fun-filling, enjoy it to the fullest.... before the battle awaits!! YEAHH!!

and of course, 
- i thank Stel, for being the bestest friend ever!!!
- i thank Shaun, for being my most trusted friend!!!
- i thank Izzie, for letting me into his life!!!
- i thank Letha, for being soo understanding, and keeping me company!!!
- i thank the Fab 5+2, for being there for me when i needed them!!!
- i thank my parents,my sis, for being so caring and loving!!!

Love you LOTSSS!!!!!

p/s: i thank everyone else too!! for making my life that much more interesting.. heee

Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.

"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum

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