Ermm erm.. i havent been really busy for the past few days but i'm just psyched abt my Farewell Party heppening soon. Opps, it's not just mine, it's me and Claire's muahahahah..
After days of getting together and planning.. finally it's REALLY happening! Yay! i cant wait.. Actaully it was just yesterday when we really.. went through the whole plan and started calling and buying stuff** ekek.. we've also draen out some games and guest-list + seating plan for all.. Gee, i really hope i can invite EVRYONE i know but .. limited $$ lolz..
But anyhow, anyway, we've (me + claire) carefully selected 18 (more of less) of our friends and made our invitation cards! YAY! (* credit goes to shaun, my bro for hitching us a ride.. ~Thanks) Oo yea, i forgot to spoil the party and say.. it's based on 'Arabian Nights' theme.. excites***
Eeheh not much happened yesterday but it was fun!! I guess i'll feed you more on my party after negociating with Claire and abt the FOOD tonight.. tata.. see you soon!
Always.. always tune in to my blog yea... take care.. funny posts coming soon!!