A stranger deep inside...
For who knows who a stranger is, For he knows what that stranger wants, And she knows what the stranger needs, And they know where the stranger is..
But yet I, I do not know who is that stranger, Nor what he or she wants, needs or desires, And I do not know where the stranger is..
The reflection in the mirror says it all, " I am the one whom stranger you address.. The one of piety and poise... Of darkness and emptiness... For all who cannot see deep down inside... That all else can seep through within... And you, the owner knows no price.. And you, the owner knows nothing.. Nothing.. "
~ sometimes you dont see yourself as others see you.. Be real..
Hello everyone.. as you know i'm back in Kuching for another week or two until 15th sept. ahha holiday ma.. So now i'm enjoying my time here.. ahah no la
Actually i'm helping my auntie in her stall somewhere behind AmBank at Jln Haji Taha.. some kolo mee stall (HALAL) one la.. hhehehe it's not all that hard but swt... i got to see lots of 'things' over there.. trust me..
Life experiences you can say.. nothing beats it.. yes, so let me brag a little about Life Experiences here..
Life Experiences
you can neither buy or sell life experiences. There're for share and for gain.. You might think they're hard to get buy you initially get it everyday for free.. For every moment you stop and think about something, there it is. Experiences... And everytime you learn something, you gain something more.. You mature, you learn, you make mistake, you nurture yourself towards becoming someone important in life.. someone in this world... someone useful..
So get up and get your Life Experiences now.. it's all free.. no need to pay.. Some more.. it's useful to have those.. especially when you're down and unhappy or when you're hung over and sober.. or even when you're angry and when all else fails.. Learn to be a better person... For life is just short.. no time to waste...
Hehee... hmm i' think i'm going to post something funny soon enough.. it's about time i crack up that old fun-o-meter and start to make ppl laugh again.. okie.. till the next time i post.. turra...
A stranger deep inside...
For who knows who a stranger is, For he knows what that stranger wants, And she knows what the stranger needs, And they know where the stranger is..
But yet I, I do not know who is that stranger, Nor what he or she wants, needs or desires, And I do not know where the stranger is..
The reflection in the mirror says it all, " I am the one whom stranger you address.. The one of piety and poise... Of darkness and emptiness... For all who cannot see deep down inside... That all else can seep through within... And you, the owner knows no price.. And you, the owner knows nothing.. Nothing.. "
~ sometimes you dont see yourself as others see you.. Be real..
Hello everyone.. as you know i'm back in Kuching for another week or two until 15th sept. ahha holiday ma.. So now i'm enjoying my time here.. ahah no la
Actually i'm helping my auntie in her stall somewhere behind AmBank at Jln Haji Taha.. some kolo mee stall (HALAL) one la.. hhehehe it's not all that hard but swt... i got to see lots of 'things' over there.. trust me..
Life experiences you can say.. nothing beats it.. yes, so let me brag a little about Life Experiences here..
Life Experiences
you can neither buy or sell life experiences. There're for share and for gain.. You might think they're hard to get buy you initially get it everyday for free.. For every moment you stop and think about something, there it is. Experiences... And everytime you learn something, you gain something more.. You mature, you learn, you make mistake, you nurture yourself towards becoming someone important in life.. someone in this world... someone useful..
So get up and get your Life Experiences now.. it's all free.. no need to pay.. Some more.. it's useful to have those.. especially when you're down and unhappy or when you're hung over and sober.. or even when you're angry and when all else fails.. Learn to be a better person... For life is just short.. no time to waste...
Hehee... hmm i' think i'm going to post something funny soon enough.. it's about time i crack up that old fun-o-meter and start to make ppl laugh again.. okie.. till the next time i post.. turra...
13th July 1990.
currently unemployed
It never made sense for you to love me. I always knew that.
Bella Swan, New Moon, Chapter 23, p.511
You are what you create!
Aurum potestas est.
This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.
I love eggs.
I love pink.
I'm crazy and i love froggies.
I love penyus!
I own a multi billion imaginary taxi company
That's because...
I'm ME.
I like pink flamingoes..
..so please remember that..
Commonly known as joanna and was bestowed the nickname jojo by her close peers. Age is a myth for time knows no boundaries.
Being the anime enthusiast she is, she wastes her days trying to perfect the art of creativity. A natural day-dreamer, sister, daughter,
student... friend! Organic!
Email: Emperiumfreak@hotmail.com
MSN, Facebook : Emperiumfreak@hotmail.com
Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.
"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum
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