Sunday, December 23, 2007
Posted by: JOJO
Time: 13:03
Comments: 0

Recently i went to the newly opened.. 'shopping complex', in Kuching, BOULEVARD.. Mind you, i live in 3 1/2 mile.. so it has been a few 'jamming' days for my place.. gosh.. those cars..

I think us, Kuching people are soooo proud to have this huge shopping complex *finally* built. Yesterday was the official opening, and yes, like any other 'kiasu' people, i was there.. haha..

the interior of the place is still new.. much of it hasnt been 'polished' or should i say 'cleaned up'.. if you take a good look at the ceiling and the floor.. it's still.. dirty.. dusty.. but i can tell you that ALMOST the whole population of Kuching is crammed into that shopping complex.. everywhere i turn, there's someone i know.. whoa..

Of course, when there's a new 'jamban', they attract salesman.. and so .. the sell.. it's like free publicity, to attract the ah kong and ah ma to buy their product! *more like cheating them!!

And also, time for credit cards and other weird weird cards..

Salesperson: Lai lai, Ah Kong, Ah Ma... register here.. and you get free gift.. to day we got special for you.. today we give you.. OSIM SO voucher.. very rare..
Victim: Wah.. got OSIM?? OSIM the chair isit? Wah.. what card is this??
Salesperson: For you Ah Ma, i give you special.. free for life special Hong Beong debit and credit card.. so when you not enough money you use this card.. then ask your son to pay lol.. very easy.. no need to call them ask for money ...
Victim: wah.. so good meh.. but later my son marah me le.. how?
Salesperson: Dont worry.. i give you 2 OSIM SO voucher.. one for you, one for your son, okay?
Victim: wah, so nice...
Salesperson: Lai lai.. just put your name here.. your IC here... ...

(* OSIM SO voucher = OSIM 'sit only' voucher... )

Home to 'branded' products...

and more 'branded' products....

and more products...

and more... dresses and stuff...

But mind you, we Kuchingnites, dont see and buy, we follow one GOLDEN rule:

Eyes can see, Hands can move,
Dompet dont touch, selamat la lu..

hahahah... i learnt that from my dad's friend.. haha..

And another major event, yesterday night, the Christmas Parade at Jln Padungan..

miles and miles of humans carrying candles roam the streets to Travilion, caroling and waving, "MERRY CHRISTMAS".. reply: "Siaw ar you! Today 22nd only.. SIAW!!"

and more people...

and THIS is the tree at travilion that everyone's so sakai about.. it's a 15 foot tree i think...

anther blur view of the tree..

i wonder what's on the tree.. if you zoom this image.. you'll get the answer.. little 'X' - like the celcom reload card punya.. Wah liew.. at first i thought it was reload cards.. then i can go steal em'.. but NOo. it's just tiny cards with the 'X's... sigh sigh.. And there's a freaking competition to guess how many X's are in the tree!! WHAT?? Guess?? whoa.. my hopes to the lucky winner!!

Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.

"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum

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