Friday, May 01, 2009
Posted by: JOJO
Time: 00:32
Comments: 0


Been pretty caught up with studies and yearbook designs lately.. so here are bits and pieces that's happening so far.. ^_^ I've also included GOOD or BAD things that happened... ENjoY!

1) Housetrip : Pangkor

OMG, i have never ever ever, been to Pangkor so it's my first time there.. It was SOOO FUN!! From college, we took a bus to Lumut, then a ferry to the island, where we then we were brought to our hotel, Suria Hotel via vans/buses. The next day, we spent exploring Pulau Giam, via boat rides, drifty waves, banana boat and snorkelling!! In the night, we had 'SURVIVOR' - hahaa >..<>

me.. with snorkelling googles!

me and letha in the boat!!!

i drew that in the sand..

Good: went on banana boat, boat ride, snorkelling, FUN, the sun, feeding fishies, the wind, the sand, the breeze, the waves... 

Bad: i LEFT Sebastian at Pangkor!!, we lost our room key and had to pay a refund -_-, i injured my leg

Lesson learnt: Never leave pet animals (stuffed or real life animals) in the hotel room alone.. 

2) Shahir's Bday 

26th April - Shahir was BASHED!!! Rahahahha... DOUBLE BASHED, sorry.. with whipped cream and water!! IT was the MESSIEST birthday ever, but yet fun!!!! we all got wet, cept for michelle.. ahahaha MANGO cake!! WHIPPED CREAM!! SHAHIR!!!! 

Good: Shahir was happy, Shahir got nice presents, we bashed Shahir!! it was nice..

Bad: Izzie's phone rosak kene air, my camera kene air... we all got soaked with whipped cream,  and mango cake... had to do landry at night..

Lesson Learnt: Shahir runs fast, he has long legs, BEWARE!

3) Yearbook designs

We had a meet-up the other night to check on our progress. In our demise, we didnt finish what we were supposed to finish in the period of time given to us.. Sigh sigh sigh, but none-the-less, we're still rushing against time to reach the end of it. Batch 10's yearbook is gonna be a success, im sure of it!!

Good: The yearbook's looking good, All departments have handed in their stuff *hopefully

Bad: got Dom's warning (bad), more work to finish, less sleep... sigh

Lesson Learnt: make sure you bring YOUR STUFF to the meeting you're supposed to attend.. 

4) Trials

.... let's just keep it short and go to the BAD part ...

Good:  - 

Bad: sigh.... 

Lesson Learnt: Always study!!!

5) Public Speaking Night out at TGI Friday's - The curve

OKay, though i am NOT an official member of the Public Speaking Workshop... but i got to go, hahahah.... First time at TGIF, ate Sizzling chicken, yum, fried macaroni and cheese, yum, and strawberry milkshake, yum!! Had fun walking around The Curve!!

Good: we're out of college, whee!! Good food, great place, love the atmosphere..

Bad: not enough time to shop, too full..

Lesson Learnt: Always share your entrees... its HUGE!!

6) KYUEM External Dinner/PROM

Hmm it's an annual event, held by the Student Council.. 

Theme: Glitz & Glamour
Venue: Renaissance Hotel KL
Date: 16th June 09

typical prom-like dinner party thingy, could be fun, going with friends, will be after-party and hangovers!!! Whee!!

Good: get to go out of college, socialize, it'a a PROM... , hang out with friends, 'HE' is going... ^_^

Bad: it's RM 100, need to get dressed/makeup/etc... , malas..

Lesson Learnt: -maybe after the night, i have something to fill here-

7) Ipod INcident..

i was charging my iPod, overnight, the next day, when i transferred a file into my iPod and chugged it out... then.... all my music and videos are GONE!! poof!!! 

' there are no files in your library '

DANG, but my memory's still used up, which means the files are still in there somewhere, i just need to retrieve them.. seeking professional help soon... 

Good: nothing good about an iPod with no music..

Bad: an Ipod with no music

Lesson Learnt: Love your iPod... 

... ... ....

Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.

"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum

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