Monday, July 13, 2009
Posted by: JOJO
Time: 10:23
Comments: 0
Today, i turn 19!! No longer 18 ~

Being 18 is about.. 
  Going through the hardships of making decisions,
   when to pull hard, when to stand up,
   when to give in, when to let go,
  Hellos & Goodbyes,
   a friendly greeting, a warm smile,
   a wave of rememberance, a long farewell cry,
 Falling in love and being heartbroken,
   by the ones you love, who turns your life around,
   by the ones you detest, the ones you forget,
  Saying 'Sorry' and 'I forgive you'
   for the things done, for how reality really is,
   the most hurtful things are indeed previous,

Being 18, is soon to end,
  For great memories and sweet times,
  To forever, i'd thank...

For today, i turn 19,
More great times to come... or so it seems... :)

Celebrating my birthday together with the ones that i love most - Stel, Claire, Letha, Izzie, Shahir, Michelle, Chaer, Jean... my beautiful family.. and all others... :) Just came back from Rainforest - the music was a bit slow~ but i enjoyed it! Mostly because i was there with my friends.. * loves!

Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.

"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum

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