Thursday, August 06, 2009
Posted by: JOJO
Time: 22:25
Comments: 0
Fast Fact,

Did you know that they're giant koi fishies at KLPAC?? - In fact, they have a Koi Centre there too, and they sell HUGE GIANT koi fishies!! :) They're beautiful and BIG!!! Like... as big as my leg!!! (not feet, but LEG!!) -

Jo loves Koi ~ courtesy Izzie & Shahir

Koi (?, pronounced [koꜜi]) (English: /ˈkɔɪ/), or more specifically nishikigoi (錦鯉?,[niɕi̥kiꜜɡo.i], literally "brocaded carp"), are ornamental domesticated varieties of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) that are commonly kept for decorative purposes in outdoor ponds and water gardens. They are sometimes also called Japanese carp.

(.. excerps from Wikipedia....)

The trip to KL this time - sigh...

Finally, i got my visa done, my passport, went through the Pre-Departure Briefing.. now... the last platform... to wait for my result.. If everything goes well, then it's definitely Plan A, if not.. then it's Plan B... Let's be optimistic and hope for the best ~! Go Jo!

Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.

"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum

    follow me on Twitter

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