Monday, August 10, 2009
Posted by: JOJO
Time: 15:26
Comments: 0
I woke up this morning, switched on the computer... hook up the cie results website... to reveal... My Results... The golden moment that i've been waiting for... 

Seconds later.. i couldnt believe it.. OMG.. 

i met the requirements... i'm ... i'm.. going to fly ~ !...


So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU... 

For giving me this opportunity of a lifetime. i promise, i wont waste it... :)

Like a dream come true, i still cant believe it... Is this it? Is this for real?? Im going to the States??? OMG F'kin God!!!!! Somebody slap me!!

: ) I guess being born on the 13th of July wasnt so bad after all! >.<>

Joanna Kho / Jojo.
My WishList
- save money to go to JAPAN!
- Bunjee-jump.
- Fly a plane.
- have a Gay friend!
- Get Punk'd.
- Own a taxi company with Claire
- Travel to Ethiopia
- own 'Star-Spanged-Banner', a restaurant
- Join the Amazing Race
- date a pilot >..<
- Go to TOKYO!!
- learn surfing
- Have a nice Bday bash with stel
- Be a nice tour guide to my friends
- Meet Wentworth Miller.

"Must Do"s
- get an external
- tidy up room
- repaint room downstairs
- be good in driving
- get sims 3
- finish PhotoAlbum

    follow me on Twitter

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